Truth and love are infinite & unbreakable power. Lie and malice leads to death. The basis of the life of a person, society and country and the whole human race is also truth and love. The power of truth is indomitable and immense. The person and society adopting it, finds a vast reservoir of physical, mental, social and spiritual strength, enthusiasm and belief within him.

Today, there is a spread of mutual contention, hatred, jealousy, anger and violence, it is the result of nothingness and non unity with love. It means that after coming into contact with truth and love, the whole world experiences happiness and ease in their life. In fact, only truth tells that everything which is same is not different, and it is the second name of love, unity, integrity, tenderness.

When there is truth, justice and love, then there is victory, peace and happiness. Where there is lie, injustice & hate, then there is defeat, unrest and sorrow. This very simple, clear, omnipresent, exception less doctrine can not be understood due to the filth of intercession, so today the human being is confused and separated from the values ​​of life and is moving ahead of a purposeless disorientation.

Truth means – whatever your mind has accepted and understood from the source, you should express the same understanding to others without any modifications.. The real meaning of truth is absolute. Things said without keeping negativity in Body, Mind & Soul and with welfare in mind is the ultimate truth. Truth is in the mind, not out.