While watching football match of Germany and Brazil there is no lack of efforts or karma by both the teams but one team wins whereas the other loses. This is simply the difference between Good Luck and Bad Luck and role of Astrology starts from here:

Surya, Pitamaho, Vyaso, Vashishtho, Atri, Prasara,
Kashyapo, Nardo, Bhargo, Maricham Aunirandigara.
Lomesho Polisheshchev, Chyavno, Yavno Bhriyu,
Shonko Udashthadash Hyethe Jyotish Shastra Praverthak

Astrology is Vedanga of the Vedas and is known as Eye of Vedas. It includes Astronomy, mathematics, Cosmology, Omenology, the setting of the auspicious times, divination based on questions, and the interpretation of horoscope. There are about thirty slokas on astrology in Rig Veda: Forty four in Yajurveda and One hundred and sixty two in Atharva Veda.

Parashar ‘s Brihad HoraShastra and Gemini’s Gemini sutra has contributed to astrology.After them scientists of Astrology AryaBhatt, Bhaskar and VarahMihir etc. have played vital role to establish this VIDYA in Kaliyug and we can’t forget the contribution of Mantreshwar, kalyanVarma and many more scientists in this field.

It is not important that what is the origin of Astrology and how much it is old but in present time the role of Astrology have it’s own value and importance to improve and guide the peoples.