
1310, 2018

Science & Mankind

October 13th, 2018|0 Comments

From ancient times mankind is always anxious to know about Nature, Universe, Stars and Planets this curiosity has given the birth to Science and research has been started at this stage and with the time grown gradually due to this process many scientist like Einstein,Newton, Neils Bohrs , J J Thomson and many more play prominent role to develop the science through research and when one research has been completed then new research has started by the same or other scientists. Their research helped the man kind in daily life. Many things has been invented that made human life easy [...]

1310, 2018

Truth is Tough

October 13th, 2018|0 Comments

Truth and love are infinite & unbreakable power. Lie and malice leads to death. The basis of the life of a person, society and country and the whole human race is also truth and love. The power of truth is indomitable and immense. The person and society adopting it, finds a vast reservoir of physical, mental, social and spiritual strength, enthusiasm and belief within him. Today, there is a spread of mutual contention, hatred, jealousy, anger and violence, it is the result of nothingness and non unity with love. It means that after coming into contact with truth and love, [...]

1010, 2018

Kaal Sarp Dosh and Mangal Bhaat Puja Shanti

October 10th, 2018|0 Comments

जिन व्यक्तियों की कुंडलियों मै काल सर्प दोष है या वे मंगलीक है उनको कालसर्प दोष की शांति अवश्य करवानी चाहिए ,क्योंकि राहु और केतु के मध्य जब सब ग्रह स्थित होते है तो काल सर्प दोष होता है,यह 12 प्रकार के होतें है जिसके कारण जीवन मे हर क्षेत्र में बाधाएं उत्पन्न होती है । इसी प्रकार जब कुंडली मे मंगल ग्रह प्रथम,चतुर्थ,सप्तम,अष्टम एवं द्वादश भाव मे स्थित होता है तो मंगल दोष कहलाता है,इस दोष के कारण जातक क्रोधी,हठी, उतावला एवं उग्र स्वभाव का होता है।साथ ही मांगलिक दोष के कारण विवाह में अत्यधिक विलम्ब, प्रॉपर्टी में झगड़े [...]

610, 2018

Astrological Remedies

October 6th, 2018|0 Comments

REMEDIES (UPAY) -SHANTI OF KAAL SARP DOSH THROUGH HIGHLY LEARNED VEDIC PANDITS AT UJJAIN: When all Planets placed between RAHU & KETU axis known as KAAL SARP yog these are of 12 type. The Native who has Kaal Sarp Dosh faces obstacles, unhappiness, diseases right from childhood. -GRIHAN DOSH SHANTI: When SUN & MOON are affected by RAHU & KETU creates Grihan Yog in Horoscope this yog weakened the power of Sun & Moon. Sun represent Atma(soul) & Moon represents Man (mind) -SHANI SHANTI FOR SADE SATINAND MALAFIC IMPACT OF SATURN IN KUNDLI When STURN passes through 12th house Lagna [...]

610, 2018

Chemistry of 9 planets

October 6th, 2018|0 Comments

(SUN, MOON, MARS, MERCURY, JUPITER, VENUS, SATURN, RAHU & KETU), Twenty Seven Nakshatras (ASHWINI TO REVATI) and Twelve houses having different Zodiac signs (Aries to Pieces ) prepare guide map of future for man kind, placing of Beneficial & malefic planets in different houses and Rashis along with constellations write the happy or sad episodes in human life. These all above are the part of Horoscope of the native and each house of 12 houses have their specific meaning/significance. Like planets, Kendras are Vishnusthan and trikonas are Laxmisthan while as per Hindu mythology native have relation with four Purusharth i.e. [...]

610, 2018

Astrological Guidance & Solutions

October 6th, 2018|0 Comments

Horoscope (kundli) making & Horoscope matching Short &long term predictions Counseling for technical studies Counseling of progeny and role of nakshatra for worthwhile child Learn how planets work in to affect our life Muhurat for auspicious events All types of yantras like Shree yantra , Vastudosh niwarn yantra, Durghatna nashak yantra, Durga beesa yantra, Gayatri yantra , Kakdhara yantra, Baglamukhi yantra, Santan gopal yantra, Kuber yantra and all Navgrah yantra be prepared with Vedic vidhan and by highly learned vedik pandits. All types of precious/semiprecious ratnas with full guarantee of purity and with Pran Pratishtha. Abhimantrit ek mukhi to 21 [...]

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