(SUN, MOON, MARS, MERCURY, JUPITER, VENUS, SATURN, RAHU & KETU), Twenty Seven Nakshatras (ASHWINI TO REVATI) and Twelve houses having different Zodiac signs (Aries to Pieces ) prepare guide map of future for man kind, placing of Beneficial & malefic planets in different houses and Rashis along with constellations write the happy or sad episodes in human life.

These all above are the part of Horoscope of the native and each house of 12 houses have their specific meaning/significance. Like planets, Kendras are Vishnusthan and trikonas are Laxmisthan while as per Hindu mythology native have relation with four Purusharth i.e. DHARMA, ARTH, KAAM, MOKSHA which are beautifully defined in the form of houses of horoscope also the nature of native is divided in three parts SATOGUN, RAJOGUN & TAMOGUN. The combination of all of them in any horoscope prepare Personality of native and decide his future events in positive or negative manner.

How Astrology helps the mankind, let me take an example ,suppose you are travelling Mumbai to Delhi and when you reach the Railway Station you come to know that train is late but there is no proper information regarding the arrival of train. This will give rise to frustration, tension & wastage of time but had you known before leaving for station that train is late for 2 hours, you would have left home at appropriate time and faced no hassle like this, Astrology works on the principle of giving information in advance about various events such as good and bad events, diseases , success, failure etc. which would occur in future. This is a science which predicts about events related to human life.

As a binocular helps you to see the distant object like that Astrology help you to predict what is happening with you in future and also to beware not to repeat the mistakes done in the past.
An Astrologer has the art to read this science(Astrology) and my main motive is to provide relief to natives who have suffered due to malefic impact of these planets and facing difficulties in life viz. Education, Career, Marriage, Married Life, Children, Diseases, Health, Litigation’s, Business, Service, Job & Profession.

I have carried out extensive research to understand the impact of malefic & Beneficial Planets in human life and how to tune positively which can make trouble free and smooth life and to suggest meaningful and fruitful remedies to remove malefic impact of these planets at various stages in life through MANTRA, TANTRA, RATNA, RUDRAKSH, KAVACH, ANUSHTHAN, HOME, DAAN, VRIT, SADHNA, MEDITATION,WORSHIP OF GOD & GODDESS AND OTHERS.

It is my belief that if all remedies are done by learned Pandits in systematic manner then result will be significant and positive & no doubt native will get benefit/relief through these remedies.
The predictions in Astrology from ancient time are generally based on Male but now a days Females are also representing in every field along with Man So it is quite necessary to make predictions as Women oriented which means more work and research is required in Female Horoscope which is I am doing with full commitment and dedication.